First Post. Hooray!

Wow! My first real blog post on my own site. It’s finally starting to take flight. Just wow! No more accidentally high-jacking someone else’s blog in their comment’s section. You might not think this a big deal (own writing space), but for me, this has been a back-burner-to-do for well over four years. In fact, to the point it had almost cooled off to a solid chuck of black lava. So you’ll have to pardon my utter shock and slow start in gaining back the hot molten glow with anything of pertinent importance to say.

One thing I can say is that amid my fledgling beginnings, one of my focuses will be on working my way through an online CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) program. If you are curious, it is called Moodgym and is located here.

All of this CBT writing will be posted under Recovery along with a full definition of this therapy and a few other links to some good resources. I did say will. There is just a vast array of white space at the current moment.

I’ve been to groups; been given the handouts. And then promptly lost them amid volcanic debris in my apartment. I can’t lose paper on the internet. I have tried book versions, loosely. Could not stay focused. Internet forum courses tend to work for me. I am looking forward to it.

Come join me in checking out Moodgym. Even if you don’t deal with depression, brain odds and sods and what not at times, we all can get into some weird funks from time to time. Never know, just might help. 🙂 Zoom!  And I’m off.


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